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    October 23, 2006


    Brian Solis

    Giovanni, thank you for your part in making the event a true success. You definitely "get it!"

    mark ivey

    Giovanni--I thought this was a good conference too..Coming out of the "old media" (ex Business Week writer) and "old guard" technology industry (ex Intel evangelist)the whole social media movement is a breath of fresh air for me. I do think, as I said in my blog, the real untapped portion of this market is the employees of corporate America...As we unleash those voices, the whole communciations landscape will be reshaped.. One more note: good Q&A with SAP's Geoff Kerr...Thanks for this contribution

    Giovanni Rodriguez

    Mark -- thanks for the comments. And I agree with your point about employees. I am presenting a white paper on that subject -- and others -- next week. I will share.


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