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    November 17, 2007


    Beverly Higgins

    I can recall as a kid and young adult being embarassed to be a Rodriguez. It has to do with being raised in predominently white areas. As I grew older I find honor in my maiden name. Since then I have added the name Higgins to my surname but I would like to add that I raised a Rodriguez male to pass on the name. You don't have to be a man to pass on the name. I was a single mother and I opted to give him my name. He wears it with pride. Following in his grandpas footprints. He will make make it proud. Sincerely Beverly Higgins de Rodriguez

    Yvette Howard

    I have coworkers that have called me Miss Martinez, Miss Garcia or whatever it is all the same" reply, it is not all the same, Mr. or Mrs. Smith, I am proud of the person I am and it is Miss Rodriguez.

    Honestly, Yvette Rodriguez

    jen_chan, writer

    It's definitely a sign of changing times. The United States is not merely dominated by those Smiths anymore. Aside from Hispanics, there are also African-Americans and Asians. Some big brands are actually altering their marketing strategies to target some of the other races. Tapping into these markets will mean additional income.

    Brian Anderson

    I thought your name was distinctive and rich sounding with the influence of two cultures. Comparatively speaking, my name is rather vanilla. But that's ok, I judge people on their personalities, talents, and insights....

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